
Who's this Spiff person anyway?

I have recently graduated from University of Karlsruhe, Germany, with a diploma degree in informatics (a.k.a computer science). I've moved to New Zealand and am currently looking for a job in the Auckland region.

I enjoy all kinds of computer related things. Some of my more recent stuff can be found in the projects section. I like to play a game of perl golf every now and then.

Computers aside, reading Sci-Fi is one of my favourite pastimes. I also like playing Go: I play online every once in a while (Spifff on KGS), and sometimes offline at the local Go club.

Another hobby of mine is photography. Even though I still take some black & white shots with the old SLR every now and then, I use my digital camera most of the time. A few of my better photos are on display in the photography section.

In my highschool days, I was a an avid partcipant in the German Federal Informatics Competition (BWINF) and the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI). I'm a founder member of the BWINF Alumi Association.